In 2007 the Keokuk Pubilc Library Foundation was given an opportunity to begin a permanent endowment fund, with the help of the the Keokuk Area Community Foundation and the Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation. With their help, the library was able to set up an Agency Endowment to provide income to the library in perpetuity.
With Endow Iowa (established in 2003), there is even more of an advantage to giving. Endow Iowa has provided donors with a state tax credit, worth up to 25% of the amount of the gift. The program offers $6 million in tax credits each year to encourage local philanthropy.
More information can be found online at:
Any gift amount qualifies, but tax credit is only available if money is given through a community foundation.
To make a donation to the library's Agency Endowment:
Make your check payable to: Keokuk Area Community Foundation (KACF)
Note that the gift is for the Keokuk Public Library
Mail the check to the Keokuk Public Library Foundation:
Keokuk Public Library Foundation
210 N. 5th Street
Keokuk, IA 52632
You've worked hard to achieve your goals and support the institutions you believe in. A charitable gift into an Agency Endowment is a way to continue that support in perpetuity. As the endowment grows, the income realized by the library each year will also grow.
Write the KPL Foundation, or call/email the library director.

Keokuk Public Library Foundation Endowment Fund