While this list covers the majority of our holdings, there are many more items available that are not indicated here.
If there is anything you would like to know more about but do not see written here, please ask us!
What we have:
Books and printed materials, digital archives, subject files about local history and genealogy, and microfilms (Click here to view our microfilm holdings).
Census records
Select family histories
Obituaries in Keokuk newspapers dating back to 1840’s. We do have some obituaries for Donnellson, Montrose, West Point, Ft. Madison, and surrounding communities.
Scrapbooks of Caleb Forbes Davis
Books written by local authors
Titles about local history, reminiscences, and curiosities
Military burials in Oakland Cemetery
Van Buren County In the Civil War
Revolutionary War Soldiers in Lee Co. & Illinois
African American & American Indian soldiers in the Revolution
World War II (Hancock County)
Medal recipients
Veteran Obituaries from Keokuk & Burlington newspapers
Civil War roster and record
Migration to Missouri
Historical review
Marriage (before 1840)
Clark, Pike, and Scotland County cemetery records
Knox, Lewis, and Schuyler County histories and portrait and biographical albums
Des Moines County
Cemetery records
Marriage records (1835-1862 and 1887-1890)
Real estate records 1905-1909
County history and portrait and biographical albums
Henry County
County history and portrait and biographical albums
Marriage records (1836-1957)
Van Buren County
County history and portrait and biographical albums
Cemetery records
Marriages and grave records
Lee County
Anniversaries (1985-1991)
Births (1880-1896)
Graves registration
Cemetery maps and burial records
Church Records
St. John’s Episcopal, Keokuk
St. Joseph, Ft. Madison
St. Paul UCC, Donnellson
St. James Parish, St. Paul, Iowa
St. John’s Catholic, Keokuk
Zion Mennonite
Death Records (South: 1867-1885. North: 1880-1907)
Death certificates (mid 1910’s-early 1930’s)
Mortality Schedules (1860, 1870, 1880)
County Histories and portrait and biographical albums
Maps and historical atlases
Marriage records (1837-1921)
Lee County Shopper and Free Press
Wills (South)
Keokuk Citizen newspapers
Good Old Days and Our Visual Heritage
Park Place/Grand Avenue residential district
Gate City trade annuals (1885-1893)
Tales of Early Keokuk Homes
Voting records of Keokuk (1932-1971)
Sanborn fire insurance maps (1893 and 1919)
General history of Illinois and the tri-state area
Adams County
1850 and 1860 Census Records
Cemetery records (Greenmount, Woodland, Calvary, St. Peter’s, St. Boniface, rural burials)
Marriage records (1825-1899)
Early death records (1835-1850)
Brown County – Pictorial history and cemeteries (1825-1972)
Cass County (Sesquicentennial history)
County histories and portrait and biographical albums
Family maps and family histories
Funeral home records (1933-1999)
Cemetery records
Nauvoo and Mormon history
Societies and organizations
Schools (public, private, and colleges)
Structures (homes and businesses)
Community histories for smaller towns
​Printed research aid books to help you learn how to conduct research using specific resources or to guide you in a certain aspect of your research.
Amish and Mennonite Cemeteries in Iowa
Native American histories
City directories
Plat maps and atlases
Bickel notebooks (these are scrapbooks of newspaper clippings, fully indexed, which include an amazing wealth of information about local history and events. There are 42 binders full of clippings on subjects including aviation, businesses, churches, crime and police, fires, industry, schools and colleges, parks, pioneers, steamboats and transportation, and more.)
Collections of photographs, post cards, scans, and other digital archives of the area’s history
Online access to Ancestry.com (in-library use only)
What we don’t have:
Many times we have the index to a collection of records. However, we do not house the records themselves. We may have an index of birth records but the actual record itself would be held at the county or state level archives.
A complete index of everything we have. Our collection spans centuries of life in our area and while we do our best to document what we have and what our collection is about, it is impossible to index everything. We are working on indexing as much as we can and welcome volunteers to assist in this daunting but important project.
Genealogy & Local History Research Materials
Learn about the library's holdings for researchers.