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Library Board of Trustees

Kristal King

President; Ex Officio for all committees

2nd term ends 07/01/2030

Rex Muston

Vice-President; Budget & Finance; Policy (Chair)

2nd term ends 07/01/2029

Robin McKray

Treasurer; Administration & Intellectual Freedom; Building & Grounds (Chair)

1st term ends 07/01/2030

Budget & Finance (Chair); Policy; KPL Foundation liason

Steve Carman

1st term ends 07/01/2031

Administration & Intellectual Freedom (Chair); Policy

Joe Fierce

1st term ends 07/01/2025

Budget & Finance; Building & Grounds

Renee Tatroe

1st term ends 07/01/2025

Budget & Finance; Policy

Steve Pribyl

1st term ends 07/01/2030

Administration & Intellectual Freedom; Building & Grounds

Kathy Marion

Fulfilling term ends 07/02/2025

Sue Morgan

Administration & Intellectual Freedom; Building & Grounds

1st term ends 07/01/2029

The Library Board meets on the 3rd Monday of each month,

at 4:30 pm in the Lower Level Meeting Room (unless otherwise noted on the calendar).  The public is welcome to observe and speak during "Public Comments."

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