Meeting Rooms
When not in use for library functions, the meeting rooms may be used by organizations or groups of citizens in accordance with the following rules. Exceptions can be made for Keokuk Public Library Board of Trustees, Keokuk Public Library Foundation, Keokuk Art Center, and other groups at the discretion of the library director. The library meets ADA requirements.
Meeting rooms at the Keokuk Public Library can be used only for meetings of a civic, cultural, or educational character, with all meetings open to the general public, and are available to local nonprofit organizations and committees whose headquarters are in, or who provide services to residents of Lee County. Rooms are not available for the benefit of private individuals holding events not open to the general public, nor for commercial purposes. The room should not be used for any performances or meetings that, because of sound levels or the nature of the meeting, would interfere with the ability of people to use other areas of the library.
Use of meeting rooms in no way implies library endorsement of ideas expressed in the meeting or of the aims and goals of the organizations using the facilities. In case a question is raised as to the objective and activities of any organization, group, or individual requesting use of the meeting rooms, the Library Board shall be the final authority in granting or refusing permission for the use of the rooms. These regulations are in accordance with Article VI of the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights, which states that such facilities should be made available to the public “on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use.”
The library is a designated polling place, and elections take priority over all existing reservations.
There is a maximum of four meeting reservations in a 30-day period. Any organization needing more may submit a request to the library director, who will review the request.
Reservations should be made with the library, preferably a week or more in advance of use. The room will be assigned to groups in order of receipt of application. No reservations will be accepted more than a year in advance. The library retains the right to cancel a reservation with at least 24-hour notice when rooms are needed for library functions.
The name of the organization, the person in charge, a telephone number, the size of the group, and the time of the meeting must be given when making a reservation.
No admission fee may be charged for using the rooms without permission from the board.
The Round Room has a capacity of 75, the Lower Level Meeting Room has a capacity of 60, and the Small Conference Room has a capacity of 15. Room capacities do not take tables and equipment into consideration. Rooms may be re-assigned at the director’s discretion if necessary. Staff areas are not to be used as public meeting space.
Organizations holding meetings assume responsibility for any damage to the rooms and their contents. Use of the Round Room and the Lower Level Meeting Room may include use of the adjoining kitchens. Food and non-alcoholic beverages are allowed in the meeting rooms. All refreshments (including coffee and condiments) are to be provided by the user. All occasions in which wine/beer are served shall have previous approval by the Keokuk Public Library Board. All rooms must be left in good order, or the group may be denied further use.
Meetings are scheduled during regular library hours. Reservations end 15 minutes before closing time. Groups can apply for extended hours if they would like to end a meeting at or after closing time in the Round Room and/or the Lower Level Meeting Room. Application must be made at least one week in advance with the library director. Upon approval, designated group members will be trained in closing procedures. Meetings are not to extend past 10:00 PM.
Audiovisual and other equipment is available and is listed on the library website. Equipment should be reserved at least one week in advance, preferably at the time the room is reserved. The library cannot provide operators for this equipment. If instruction is required for equipment operation, it is suggested that a representative of the group set up an appointment with the appropriate staff member in advance. The library reserves the right to deny use of audiovisual equipment to anyone who cannot demonstrate due competence and proper care in the use of the equipment. The party will be billed for any damage requiring repair or replacement.
If library equipment is not functioning properly during a meeting, the librarian, or a library supervisor, will be contacted. If the problem cannot be corrected by staff in-house, the librarian may call for technical support. Any calls for outside support or repair not placed by the librarian will be billed to the organization using the equipment.
At the time of booking, patrons planning to bring in their own equipment must inform library staff of the nature of the equipment that will be brought in. Library staff will not be available to assist patrons with the operation of non-library equipment. The library assumes no responsibility for any equipment, supplies or materials brought to the library by any group or individual attending a meeting; nor does it assume any liability for groups or individuals attending a meeting in the library.
Any person or group using a meeting room shall agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Keokuk Public Library and its representatives from and against any and all claims, demands, judgments, settlements, damages, actions, causes of actions, injuries, administrative orders, consent agreements and orders, liabilities, penalties, costs and expenses of any kind whatsoever, which may arise or be asserted, directly or indirectly, with regard to the use of the room.
Revised 6/21/1986, 6/18/1990
Revised 5/15/2000, 9/19/2005, 10/16/2006
Revised 6/21/2010, 5/16/2011, 9/17/2012
Revised 6/15/2015, 12/16/2023
Revised 1/15/2024