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1000 Books Before Kindergarten
1000 Books Before Kindergarten
At Keokuk Public Library
Want your child to grow up loving books? 1000 Books Before Kindergarten is a program that helps you do just that! The concept is simple, read 1,000 books with them before they start kindergarten. Sounds impossible, but just reading 1 book a night, 365 days a year, is 730 books in 2 years and 1,095 in 3 years!
Books read at library story times and school count as well. Read the same book 3 times in a row? That counts as 3! The key is consistency.
How it works: Pick up a reading log from the Keokuk Public Library, print a log from, or download the app to your smartphone. Track your books and for each 100 read, come to the library for a special prize. When you reach 1,000, you will get a certificate of completion and a lifelong love of reading.
Contact Trisha at 319-524-1483 or stop by the library for more details.
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